Maturity, age and growth of Oreochromis karongae (Teleostei: cichlidae) in Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe Author/Editor(s): Kapute, F.Kaunda, E.Banda, M.Sinshuke , Morioka.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Maturity, age and growth of Oreochromis karongae (Teleostei: cichlidae) in Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe
Utilization of woody plants as food in times of food scarcity in selected dryland areas of Iringa district, Tanzania Author/Editor(s): Tairo, V. E.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Utilization of woody plants as food in times of food scarcity in selected dryland areas of Iringa district, Tanzania
Institutional arrangements and stakeholder power relations underlying apiculture for conservation of natural resources in west Usambara Mountains,Tanzania Author/Editor(s): Sicheeba, G.Kimaro, D.N.Mbeyale, G.E.Kajembe, G.C.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Institutional arrangements and stakeholder power relations underlying apiculture for conservation of natural resources in west Usambara Mountains,Tanzania