Strengthening researcher-extension-farmer participation in soil fertility restoration for sustainable crop production in western Kenya Author/Editor(s): Okalebo, J.R.Othieno, C.O.Gudu, S.O.Ngetich, W.Nekesa, A.O.Serem, C.Didier, L.Pypers, P.Vanlauwe, B.Merckx, R.Mbakaya, D.Jama, B.Adipala, E.Woomer, P.L.Amar, B.Osundwa, M.A.Ochuodho, J.Kipkoech, A.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Strengthening researcher-extension-farmer participation in soil fertility restoration for sustainable crop production in western Kenya
Improving biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by groundnuts grown in acid soils through amendment with calcitic and dolomitic limestones Author/Editor(s): Ogega, J.K.Onyango, D.A.Otinga, A.N.Okalebo, J.R.Pypers, P.Okello, D.K.Merckx, R.Othieno, C.Were, B.A. Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Improving biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by groundnuts grown in acid soils through amendment with calcitic and dolomitic limestones
Effects of innovative farmer practices in soil fertility and water management on soil productivity and maizeand leafy vegetable production in Harare, Zimbabwe Author/Editor(s): Nyamasoka, B.Nyamugafata, P.Madyiwa, S.Nyamangara, J.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Effects of innovative farmer practices in soil fertility and water management on soil productivity and maizeand leafy vegetable production in Harare, Zimbabwe