The determinants of fuelwood demand: A case of Olio sub-county eastern Uganda

This study investigated the determinants of fuelwood demand, estimated the elasticity of the determinants, and determined changes in land use/cover and its effect on biomass dynamics. It also documented fuelwood scarcity coping strategies. Findings indicate that both demographic and socio-economic conditions within the household have a bearing on fuelwood demand and these determinants are positively and negatively elastic. Meanwhile, the biomass stock is declining at a faster rate from its value of 1986 owing to rapid land use/cover change (LUCC) mainly driven by small-scale farming. This has exacerbated fuelwood scarcity. Households have though devised coping strategies including; the use of crop residues, improved stoves and agro-forestry.
Cette étude a examiné les causes profondes de la demande en bois de chauffe, a estimé l’élasticité de ces causes et déterminé les changements dans l’utilisation de terre/de couverture vegetale et son effet sur la dynamique de biomasse. Elle a aussi fourni des renseignements sur les stratégies pour faire face à la pénurie de bois de chauffage. Les résultats indiquent que les conditions démographiques et socio-économiques dans le ménage sont en rapport avec la demande en bois de chauffe et ces causes déterminantes sont positivement et négativement élastiques. En attendant, les stocks de biomasse diminuent à une vitesse plus rapide de sa valeur de 1986 due au changement rapide dans l’utilisation de terre/et de couverture végétale, principalement conduits par l’agriculture à faible échelle. Ceci a aggravé la pénurie de bois de chauffe. Les ménages ont cependant conçu des stratégies de faire face comprenant l’utilisation des résidus de récolte, des fourneaux améliorés et de l’agro-sylviculture.
Date of publication: 
Region Focus: 
East Africa
RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops
Licence conditions: 
Open Access
Access restriction: 
Printed resource
"The 2010 RUFORUM Biennial Conference was the second in the series. The main objective of the Biennial conferences is to provide a platform for agricultural research for development stakeholders in Africa and beyond to actively exchange findings and experiences, while at the same time learning lessons towards improving performance of the agricultural sector and ultimately people’s livelihoods. The biennial conference is RUFORUM’s most comprehensive meeting for the diversity of stakeholers in agriculture. It is especially dedicated to graduate students and their supervisors, grantees in RUFORUM member universities and alumni. It is a platform for peer review, quality control, mentorship, networking and shared learning. This record contains an extended abstract accepted under the theme socio-economics".