To evaluate the effect of research methodologies on the proposal work plans, budget and completion time (A case study of JKUAT research funded projects)

This study evaluated to what extent research methodologies influence proposal work plan, budget and completion time. The study involved a sample size of twenty randomly selected proposals out of a total of 52 on-going research projects. Data were analysed using logistic regression. The results from the study at alpha 0.05 showed that statement of the problem; research design; objective of the study and justification of the study had a significant effect on work plan, budget and completion time. The background of the study, hypothesis, goal, significance of the study and abstract had no significant effect on work plan, budget and completion time. Interestingly, literature review had significant effect on budget but no significant effect on work plan and completion time. Based on results of the study, it was concluded that research methodologies influence proposals’ adherence to work plan, budget and completion time. As a result, it was recommended that the problem and justification of the study needs to be clearly stated, technically feasible with cost-benefit analysis well spelled out; research design to be scientifically acceptable, related to the objectives (or hypothesis) of the study and achievable within the time plan; objectives of the study to be SMART; and literature review to be comprehensive, relevant and current. This paper also discusess tasks conducted by researcher during internship; that is, production of compendium of research activities and publications; monitoring and evaluation of JKUAT on-going research projects; review of proposal reports; capacity building; and offering consultancy in research methods. Key Words: Research Methodology, Work Plan, Budget, Completion Time
Date of publication: 
Region Focus: 
East Africa
RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations
Agris Subject Categories: 
Licence conditions: 
Open Access
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Dr. Samuel Mwalili and Prof. Martin Obanda
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