Integrated soil fertility management in South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo

This paper describes a collaborative research involving South Kivu province in Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi to disseminate resilient agro-ecosystem packages. Modifying crop arrangement by planting legumes within and between cassava rows (intercropping) increased bean yields and reduced soil erosion. However, the yield benefit was not apparent in all cases.
Cet article décrit une recherche de collaboration impliquant la province du Sud-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo, le Rwanda et le Burundi pour disséminer les paquets résilients d’agro-écosystème. La modification d’arrangement de culture en plantant des légumineuses à l’intérieur et entre les rangées de manioc (interculture) a augmenté les rendements des haricots et réduit l’érosion du sol. Cependant, l’avantage de rendement n’était pas évident dans tous les cas.
Date of publication: 
Region Focus: 
Central Africa
RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops
Licence conditions: 
Open Access
Access restriction: 
Printed resource

About the RUFORUM 2010 Biennal Conference
"The 2010 RUFORUM Biennial Conference was the second in the series. The main objective of the Biennial conferences is to provide a platform for agricultural research for development stakeholders in Africa and beyond to actively exchange findings and experiences, while at the same time learning lessons towards improving performance of the agricultural sector and ultimately people’s livelihoods. The biennial conference is RUFORUM’s most comprehensive meeting for the diversity of stakeholders in agriculture. It is especially dedicated to graduate students and their supervisors, grantees in RUFORUM member universities and alumni. It is a platform for peer review, quality control, mentorship, networking and shared learning. This record contains an extended abstract accepted under the theme of Natural Resource Management"