Monthly Newsletter - February 2009: Featuring the SCARDA project Date of publication: 2009RUFORUM Newsletters Read more about Monthly Newsletter - February 2009: Featuring the SCARDA project
Comparison of field and laboratory measured hydraulic properties of selected diagnostic soil horizons Author/Editor(s): Chimungu, J. G.Hensley, M.Van Rensburg, L. D.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Comparison of field and laboratory measured hydraulic properties of selected diagnostic soil horizons
Prominence of goat milk consumption and determinants of attitudes towards the milk in five agro-ecological zones of Zimbabwe Author/Editor(s): Mpofu, S.Banda, P.T.Pfukenyi, D.M.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Prominence of goat milk consumption and determinants of attitudes towards the milk in five agro-ecological zones of Zimbabwe