The African Centre of Agro-Ecology and Livelihood Systems (ACALISE): A World Bank Project at Uganda Martyrs University Author/Editor(s): Mwine, J.Ssebuwufu, J.Muwanga-Zake, J.Ssemakula, J.RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about The African Centre of Agro-Ecology and Livelihood Systems (ACALISE): A World Bank Project at Uganda Martyrs University
RUFORUM trains the next generation of scientists for Sudan: The case of the Agricultural Research Corporation, University of Gezira and University of Kordofan Author/Editor(s): Mayada M., BeshirMuna Elhag, M.Beshir, Mayada MamounDate of publication: 2016RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about RUFORUM trains the next generation of scientists for Sudan: The case of the Agricultural Research Corporation, University of Gezira and University of Kordofan
Promoting the African endogenous innovation for sustainable development: The AFRICA-ai-JAPAN initiative Author/Editor(s): Losenge, T.Shiomi, S.Tsunoda, M.RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Promoting the African endogenous innovation for sustainable development: The AFRICA-ai-JAPAN initiative