Genetic characterisation of foot-and-mouth disease viruses circulating in major cattle production zones in western Uganda Author/Editor(s): Kerfua, S. D.Masembe, C.Isubikalu, P.Muwanika, V.Ademun Okurut, A.R.Other Papers, Posters and Presentations Read more about Genetic characterisation of foot-and-mouth disease viruses circulating in major cattle production zones in western Uganda
The effect of diet and feeding system on the on-farm performance of local chickens during the early growth phase Author/Editor(s): Nakkazi, C.Kugonza, D.R.Kayitesi, A.Mulindwa, H.Okot, M.W.Date of publication: 2015RUFORUM Journal Articles Read more about The effect of diet and feeding system on the on-farm performance of local chickens during the early growth phase
Performance of starter pigs fed diets based on malted and fermented maize Author/Editor(s): Beyihayo, G.A.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations Read more about Performance of starter pigs fed diets based on malted and fermented maize