Establishing Innovative Higher Education Programmes in Support of Agricultural Rural Transformation in Africa: The case of FORUM and RUFORUM Author/Editor(s): Blackie, MalcolmMuir-Leresche, KayRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Establishing Innovative Higher Education Programmes in Support of Agricultural Rural Transformation in Africa: The case of FORUM and RUFORUM
Harnessing Regional Capacity to Build Agricultural Capacity for Africa: The case of the Intra-ACP academic Mobility Project for 12 Universities in Africa Author/Editor(s): Kibwika, P.Kyazze, F.Batte, R.Adipala, E.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Harnessing Regional Capacity to Build Agricultural Capacity for Africa: The case of the Intra-ACP academic Mobility Project for 12 Universities in Africa
Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: How can Universities in Africa better engage to Nurture and Sustain partnerships? Author/Editor(s): Kapiriri, Monica NamumbyaMugabe, J.M.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: How can Universities in Africa better engage to Nurture and Sustain partnerships?