The Green Book: A Guide to Effective Graduate Research in African Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development

The Green Book is intended to equip young African scholars with guidance for their thesis study, and to prepare them for the leadership roles that will be expected of them on completion of their studies. The book is written as a guide and examples from the continent are used to highlight the issues. It implores students to always be aware of the bigger picture – the development goal – and to realise that he/she is not operating in a box. We are all part of a community, and indeed, of a global world that is changing – and we must adjust in order to cope with the changing needs of society. This first edition is relevant to all students, but is biased towards those in eastern and southern African universities. It is hoped that the second edition, that will be published in both French and English, will be broader in scope and will include West African reality. The editors welcome all comments and suggestions for improvement in future editions.
Date of publication: 
Agris Subject Categories: 
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Open Access
Printed resource

The print version of the Green Book is accompanied by a CD-ROM with additional resources. The PDF file, Green Book, Part 2, lists the resources, but does not contain them. E-mail RUFORUM for more information. The book has been divided into two files because of its size.