
As a network, RUFORUM mobilises its members to develop projects and programmes that operationalise its strategic objectives. Depending on the strategic fit of the programme/project and the requirements of the funder, the projects are led by the RUFORUM Secretariat, by its member universities or by its non university research, private sector or government agencies within Africa. Some projects or programmes are led by non-African partners who are either universities, research institutions or private companies

Number The_RUFORUM_Project_Titles The_Project_Leading_Institution Project_Status The_Projects_Funders Start Date End_Date
1 Sharing innovations and experiences from Korea for Higher Education Transformation in Africa RUFORUM Secretariat Ongoing African Development Bank Group Mardi, March 26, 2019 Mardi, March 30, 2021
2 Marker-assisted breeding of selected native chickens in Mozambique and Uganda Eduardo Mondlane University Ongoing European Commission - Intra Africa Mobility Jeudi, December 20, 2018 Mardi, December 21, 2021
3 Diversity of Aspergillus Species and Aflatoxin Contamination along Maize and Groundnut Value Chains in Eastern and Southern Africa University of Zambia Ongoing African Development Bank Group Jeudi, December 20, 2018 Dimanche, December 19, 2021
4 Collaborative Action for Strengthening Training Capacities in Climate Risk and Natural Resource Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU Ongoing The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Vendredi, February 1, 2019 Dimanche, February 28, 2021
5 Enhancing African rural transformation: University based strategies for driving application of uptake of grain legumes and dryland cereals innovations RUFORUM Secretariat Ongoing Food and Agriculture Organization Mercredi, December 19, 2018 Lundi, September 30, 2019
6 Enhancing African rural transformation: University based strategies for driving application of uptake of grain legumes and dryland cereals innovations RUFORUM Secretariat Completed International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Mercredi, August 1, 2018 Mercredi, July 31, 2019
7 Support to the implementation of the Long-term EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture Centre De Cooperation Internationale En Recherche Agronomique Pour Ledeveloppement (CIRAD) Ongoing European Commission Horizon 2020 Samedi, September 1, 2018 Mercredi, August 30, 2023
8 Strengthening Higher Agricultural Education in Africa RUFORUM Secretariat Ongoing World Bank Mardi, July 10, 2018 Lundi, July 10, 2023
9 Developing innovative and sustainable approaches to prevent the spread of African swine fever in Africa Makerere University Ongoing African Union Vendredi, June 1, 2018 Lundi, May 31, 2021
10 Unleashing the potential of African science leaders RUFORUM Secretariat Completed Carnegie Corporation of New York Lundi, January 1, 2018 Mardi, December 31, 2019
