Analysis of factors influencing women’s decision to adapt to climate change: the case of rural women in Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia Author/Editor(s): Osman, M. A. A. Date of publication: 2015RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations Read more about Analysis of factors influencing women’s decision to adapt to climate change: the case of rural women in Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia
Leveraging the power of partnerships to effectively engage universities for enhanced food security Author/Editor(s): Kahi, A.K.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Briefing Papers/Policy Briefs Read more about Leveraging the power of partnerships to effectively engage universities for enhanced food security
Key messages on the process and submissions in response to the sixth Graduate Research Grants Call Author/Editor(s): Egeru, A.Nampala, M.PaulMakuma-Massa, H.Date of publication: 2015RUFORUM Briefing Papers/Policy Briefs Read more about Key messages on the process and submissions in response to the sixth Graduate Research Grants Call