Climate change and agriculture nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa: the agonizing reality for smallholder farmers Author/Editor(s): Phiiri, George KanyamaEgeru, A.Adipala, EkwamuDate of publication: 2016RUFORUM Journal Articles Read more about Climate change and agriculture nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa: the agonizing reality for smallholder farmers
Gender dimensions of smallholder farmers’ perceptions, knowledge and adaptations to climate change in Soroti district, Eastern Uganda Author/Editor(s): Kisauzi, T.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations Read more about Gender dimensions of smallholder farmers’ perceptions, knowledge and adaptations to climate change in Soroti district, Eastern Uganda
Adaptation to climate change: the case of pastoral communities in selected districts along the cattle corridor of Uganda Author/Editor(s): Makuma-Massa, H.Isubikalu, P.Majaliwa, J.G.M.Mukwaya, P.Nandozi, C.Other Papers, Posters and Presentations Read more about Adaptation to climate change: the case of pastoral communities in selected districts along the cattle corridor of Uganda