Legume Biomass Transfer For Enhancing Productivity of Maize in Striga Infested Farmlands: The Case of Iringa District, Tanzania Author/Editor(s): Sibuga, K.P.Msaky, J.J.Malima, G.Aloyce, M.Nyallu, L.Hepelwa, R.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Legume Biomass Transfer For Enhancing Productivity of Maize in Striga Infested Farmlands: The Case of Iringa District, Tanzania
Diversity and Symbiotic Effectiveness of Acid Tolerant Groundnut Rhizobia inWestern Kenya Soils Author/Editor(s): Onyango, D.A.Were, B.A. Ogega, J.K.Okalebo, J.R.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Diversity and Symbiotic Effectiveness of Acid Tolerant Groundnut Rhizobia inWestern Kenya Soils
Improving Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) by Groundnuts (Arachis hypogea L.) Grown in Acid Soils Amended with Calcitic and Dolomitic Limestones Author/Editor(s): Were, B.A. Otinga, A.N.Okalebo, J.R.Onyango, D.A.Ogega, J.K.Othieno, C.Pypers, P.Okello, D.K.Merckx, R.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Improving Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) by Groundnuts (Arachis hypogea L.) Grown in Acid Soils Amended with Calcitic and Dolomitic Limestones