Factors influencing capacity of beach management units in implementing fisheries co-management in a tropical desert lake Author/Editor(s): Ogoma , M. O.Kirui, B. K.Obwoyere, G. O.Obura, E. O.Otachi, E. O.Date of publication: 2019Other Papers, Posters and Presentations Read more about Factors influencing capacity of beach management units in implementing fisheries co-management in a tropical desert lake
The potential of incorporation of forecasting using time series data into fisheries management in Malawi: Case of management of Oreochromis species of Lake Malawi Author/Editor(s): Mulumpwa, M.Jere, W.W.L.Mtethiwa, A.H.N.Tasokwa, KakotaKang’ombe, J.Date of publication: 2016RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about The potential of incorporation of forecasting using time series data into fisheries management in Malawi: Case of management of Oreochromis species of Lake Malawi
Lipid oxidation of dried silver cyprinid fishmeal as an impediment in the manufacture of aquafeeds Author/Editor(s): Kubiriza, K.G.Jon , Arnason.Olafur , Sigurgeirsson.Sigurdur, Snorrason.Tumi , Tomasson.Helgi, Thorarensen.RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Lipid oxidation of dried silver cyprinid fishmeal as an impediment in the manufacture of aquafeeds