Response of winter and spring barley genotypes to biotic and abiotic stresses in Kenya Author/Editor(s): Were, J.O.Ochuodho, J.O.Rop, N.K.Gyawali, S.Date of publication: 2016RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Response of winter and spring barley genotypes to biotic and abiotic stresses in Kenya
Macro and micronutrient fertilization and soil amendments for combating poor soil responsiveness in Maize-Desmodium intercrop in western Kenya Author/Editor(s): Njogo, S.Otinga, A.N.Chemutai, M.Kitilit, J.K.Njoroge, R.Pepela, M.Okalebo, J.R.Okalebo, J.R.Date of publication: 2016RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Macro and micronutrient fertilization and soil amendments for combating poor soil responsiveness in Maize-Desmodium intercrop in western Kenya