Kersting’s groundnut [Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal & Baudet]: A versatile & underutilized grain legume for subhumid zones Author/Editor(s): Agoyi, E.E.Sossou, H. S.Sodédji, F. A.Assogbadjo, A.E.Sinsin, B.Date of publication: 2020Other Papers, Posters and Presentations Read more about Kersting’s groundnut [Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal & Baudet]: A versatile & underutilized grain legume for subhumid zones
Effects of Tithoniadiversifolia Extract and Trichodermaasperellum on Growth and Yield of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria× ananassavarDuch) Author/Editor(s): Wanjukia, J. W.Gesimba , R.M.Wolukau, J.N.Date of publication: 2020Other Papers, Posters and Presentations Read more about Effects of Tithoniadiversifolia Extract and Trichodermaasperellum on Growth and Yield of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria× ananassavarDuch)
Evaluation of the effectiveness of hydroponically produced pigeon pea fodder versus grain based supplements for improved dairy cow production performance Author/Editor(s): Kamanga, Y. S.Safalaoh, A.Chiumia, D.Mtimuni, J. PDate of publication: 2018RUFORUM Working document series Read more about Evaluation of the effectiveness of hydroponically produced pigeon pea fodder versus grain based supplements for improved dairy cow production performance