Effect of soil copper accumulation on proliferation and survival of rhizobia Author/Editor(s): Tindwa, H.Msumali, G.P.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Effect of soil copper accumulation on proliferation and survival of rhizobia
Response of introduced soybean varieties to inoculation with rhizobium in Sud Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo Author/Editor(s): Walangululu, M.J.Shukuru, B.L.Bamuleke, K.D.Bashagaluke, B.J.Angelani, A.A.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Response of introduced soybean varieties to inoculation with rhizobium in Sud Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo
Effectiveness of Rhizobium Leguminosarum Strains Nodulating Hairy Vetch, an Introduced Forage Legume in the Sandy Soils of Zimbabwe Author/Editor(s): Tumbure, A.Wuta, M.Mapanda, FDate of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Effectiveness of Rhizobium Leguminosarum Strains Nodulating Hairy Vetch, an Introduced Forage Legume in the Sandy Soils of Zimbabwe