Evaluation of local dairy goat feed resources in Kongwa district, Tanzania Author/Editor(s): Damas Msaki, T.Ndemanisho, E.E.Chenyambuga, S.W.Komwihangilo, D.M.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Evaluation of local dairy goat feed resources in Kongwa district, Tanzania
Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems Author/Editor(s): Ambuko, J.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems
In-season nitrogen prediction for the quality protein maize using the pocket hand-held NDVI sensor on farmers’ field around Ilu-Gelan and Bako-Tibe, Ethiopia Author/Editor(s): Abera, ToleraSemu, ErnestDebele, TolessaKim, HaekooWegary, DagneDate of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about In-season nitrogen prediction for the quality protein maize using the pocket hand-held NDVI sensor on farmers’ field around Ilu-Gelan and Bako-Tibe, Ethiopia