Analysis of farmers’ adoption of zero grazing and knowledge of cattle reproductive parameters in western Kenya Author/Editor(s): Nalunkuuma, J.Date of publication: 2013RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations Read more about Analysis of farmers’ adoption of zero grazing and knowledge of cattle reproductive parameters in western Kenya
Utilization of multi-locational pigeonpea performance data for determination of stability parameters Author/Editor(s): Kamau, Samuel MurachiaDate of publication: 2013RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations Read more about Utilization of multi-locational pigeonpea performance data for determination of stability parameters
Survival analysis and generalized estimating equations for repeated measures in mosquito dose-response Author/Editor(s): Okello, Gabriel Otieno Date of publication: 2013RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations Read more about Survival analysis and generalized estimating equations for repeated measures in mosquito dose-response