The role of farmer field schools in adoption and adaptation of recommended rice production practices in Mvomero District in Tanzania Author/Editor(s): Kenya, NyamongeDate of publication: 2016RUFORUM Theses and Dissertations Read more about The role of farmer field schools in adoption and adaptation of recommended rice production practices in Mvomero District in Tanzania
The potential of incorporation of forecasting using time series data into fisheries management in Malawi: Case of management of Oreochromis species of Lake Malawi Author/Editor(s): Mulumpwa, M.Jere, W.W.L.Mtethiwa, A.H.N.Tasokwa, KakotaKang’ombe, J.Date of publication: 2016RUFORUM Working document seriesRUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about The potential of incorporation of forecasting using time series data into fisheries management in Malawi: Case of management of Oreochromis species of Lake Malawi