Epidemiology of Epizootic Ulceration Syndrome on fish of the Zambezi river basin: A case study for Zambia Author/Editor(s): Nsonga, A.Mfitilodze, W.Samui, K.L.Sikawa, D.Date of publication: 2013RUFORUM Journal Articles Read more about Epidemiology of Epizootic Ulceration Syndrome on fish of the Zambezi river basin: A case study for Zambia
Factors influencing the price of fish in central Malawi and its implications on the development of aquaculture Author/Editor(s): Matiya, GeorgeYoshikazu , Wakabayashi.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Factors influencing the price of fish in central Malawi and its implications on the development of aquaculture
Fisheries and aquaculture adaptation and conservation strategies in Uganda’s changing climate Author/Editor(s): Masembe, C.Angura, K.Muwanika, V.RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Fisheries and aquaculture adaptation and conservation strategies in Uganda’s changing climate