Path to the PhD in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology at Makerere University

There are many myths and realities associated with the PhD journey. It also comes with a lot of challenges, however, these are surmountable. Some of these challenges include the race against time, problems both from the part of supervisors and students themselves, the fact that the journey could be a ‘lonely’ one, and that the nature of PhD research itself is challenging. Notwithstanding these myriad of challenges, many have completed the journey within the three years minimum period required in most institutions. Being clear about the research topic and starting the PhD research early, having sponsorship (funding), not seeing it as an ‘ivory tower’, understanding the nature of PhD by both not underestimating and overestimating what is required, not losing contact with supervisors at any point in the journey, not taking a job before finishing the PhD, and ‘wanting’ a PhD with a purpose but not just for the sake of it, are key to overcoming these challenges. It is important for PhD students to realize that it takes more than brilliance to successfully reach the end of the ‘PhD journey’, and that it also needs determination and application. Also, the role of the supervisor should not be seen as simple, but, as a complex professional one, which requires much more than good will and spare time.
Il y a beaucoup de mythes et des réalités associés à l’expérience des études doctorales. L’expérience s’en va également avec beaucoup de défis, mais ceux-ci sont surmontables. Certains de ces défis comprennent la course contre la montre, les problèmes issus à la fois de la part des superviseurs et des étudiants eux-mêmes, le fait que l’expérience pourrait être « remplie de solitude», et que la nature de la recherche de doctorat elle-même est difficile. En dépit de cette myriade de défis, beaucoup ont accompli le voyage au doctorat dans le délai minimum requis de trois ans dans la plupart des institutions. Etre clair sur le sujet de la recherche et commencer tôt la recherche de doctorat, avoir le financement, ne pas considérer l’université comme une «tour d’ivoire», comprendre la nature des études
Date of publication: 
Region Focus: 
East Africa
Part 1
RUFORUM Working document series
RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops
Licence conditions: 
Open Access
Access restriction: 
Web resource