Enhancing village chicken productivity through parasite management for effective newcastle disease vaccination in Kenya

Newcastle disease (ND) is documented among the most important diseases of poultry in the world, causing devastating losses in both commercial and village chickens. It is capable of causing mortality rates of up to 100% of the flock and, as a viral disease, can only be effectively controlled through vaccination. The disease is endemic in village chickens in Eastern province of Kenya. On the other hand, parasites, which have a tendency of causing stress to the birds through nutrient consumption, blood sucking, and irritation, have been isolated at high levels from chickens from this area. Knowing that stress is associated with immune-suppression, it is important to establish the extent at which parasite burdens influence the effectiveness of ND vaccine. We hypothesize that the presence of internal and external parasites lowers ND vaccination response in village chickens. This study will, therefore, address the identified knowledge gaps with the aim of improving ND and parasite control in village chicken production. It will determine the extent at which external and internal parasite burdens influence vaccination response to ND in the productivity of village chickens, and will also establish (1) productivity and socioeconomic parameters, (2) seasonal parasite burdens, and (3) effect of endoparasites and ectoparasites on ND vaccine response.
La maladie virale des poules (ND) est reconnue dans plusieurs publications parmi les maladies les plus courantes de la volaille dans le monde, causant des pertes dévastatrices dans des poules de commerce et du village. Elle est capable d’entrainer des taux de mortalité jusqu’à 100% de la volaille et, comme maladie virale, ne peut être efficacement contrôlée que par la vaccination. La maladie est endémique chez des poules du village dans la province orientale du Kenya. D’une part, des parasites qui ont tendance à causer le stress aux oiseaux par la consommation des nutriments, la succion du sang et l’irritation, ont été isolés aux niveaux élevés des poules de cette région. Sachant que le stress est associé à la suppression de l’immunité, il est important d’établir l’ampleur à laquelle les accablements de parasite influencent l’efficacité du vaccin de ND. Nous présumons que la présence des parasites internes et externes abaisse la réponse de vaccination de ND chez des poules de village. Cette étude adressera, donc, les lacunes identifiées de connaissance dans le but d’améliorer le contrôle de ND et du parasite dans la production de poule de village. Il déterminera l’ampleur à laquelle les accablements de parasites externes et internes influencent la réponse de vaccination au ND dans la productivité des poules de village, et établira également (1) les paramètres de productivité et socio-économiques, (2) des accablements de parasites saisonniers, et (3) effet des endoparasites et des ectoparasites sur la réponse de vaccin de ND.
Date of publication: 
Region Focus: 
East Africa
RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops
Licence conditions: 
Open Access
Access restriction: 
Printed resource

About the RUFORUM 2010 Biennal Conference
"The 2010 RUFORUM Biennial Conference was the second in the series. The main objective of the Biennial conferences is to provide a platform for agricultural research for development stakeholders in Africa and beyond to actively exchange findings and experiences, while at the same time learning lessons towards improving performance of the agricultural sector and ultimately people’s livelihoods. The biennial conference is RUFORUM’s most comprehensive meeting for the diversity of stakeholders in agriculture. It is especially dedicated to graduate students and their supervisors, grantees in RUFORUM member universities and alumni. It is a platform for peer review, quality control, mentorship, networking and shared learning. This record contains an extended abstract accepted under the theme of Animal Science"